Junior Youth
Our middle school kids get together once a month for active fun that encourages team building and social skill building. Within an age group of vast diversity, energy is channeled to service projects as well as adventures such as white water rafting, bike rides, skiing and hikes.

Senior Youth
CMCL high school kids gather every Sunday morning and 4th Friday Night week to eat, laugh, get creative and build a dynamic place of belonging. Senior Youth stand for what is important to them. Discussions topics can range from relationships, peace and justice, and healthy sexuality to social and spiritual awareness. An annual Senior Youth retreat is held in the early fall and mid-winter and other yearly events occur on a rotating basis. Examples of those have included attending the biennial MCUSA Convention and summer service trips to Philadelphia and Detroit.

Venture Club
Parents and kids in third through fifth grade join up once a month to engage in experiences that build friendships and teach respect for self and each other. Activities are geared to involve kids in service projects in the community, raise awareness of the importance of peace and justice and to have fun. Past activities have included helping with the Martin Luther King Day celebration, kids yoga, game parties and family bike rides.