Annual Events

Special Worship Services
Evening of Remembrance: Candlelight service in observance of All Saints Day, held in late October.
Solstice Service: Contemplative service in observance of the longest night of the year. December 21st.
Christmas Eve: Ushering in the Christmas holiday with singing, a story for the children, and a reading of the Christmas story.
Ash Wednesday: Contemplative service including imposition of ashes.
Maundy Thursday: Contemplative Service including simple meal, communion and optional ritual of feet washing.
Good Friday: A reflective time of silence and scripture reading
Jazz Sunday: Worship service featuring CMCL musicians. Last Sunday before Lent.
Parrot Pinning: Recognition of CMCL attenders who celebrated their 50th birthday in the last year. Pentecost Sunday.
Church on the Farm: Outdoor worship and potluck meal held at the farm of Larry and Marilyn Kennel. Third Sunday of August.
Peace School: Special three-evening summer program designed around a peace theme for children and youth.

Congregational Retreat: A relaxed weekend family retreat held in the fall at Camp Hebron. Planned social activities for all ages. Takes place in late September from Friday evening through Sunday worship.
Women’s Retreat: Casual, restful respite for women held at Charter Hall Retreat Center on the Chesapeake Bay in March or April.
Men’s Retreat: Casual, restful respite for men held at Charter Hall Retreat Center on the Chesapeake Bay in March or April.
Children & Youth Milestones in Worship Celebrations
Parent/Child Blessing: Infants and their parents receive a special blessing during the child’s first year of life.
First Grade Bibles: Every first-grader receives an illustrated book of Bible stories, along with highlighted verses chosen by family members and adults close to each child.
Fourth Grade Bibles: Fourth-graders receive an age appropriate Bible.
Eighth Grade Bibles: Every eight-grader receives a Bible from CMCL, presented by a mentor or adult of the child’s choosing.
Senior Hymnals: Upon high school graduation, all senior youth receive a copy of the Hymnal: Worship Book from which CMCL does most of its hymn-singing.