The leadership structure at CMCL supports open and transparent interaction on church issues and decision making. Involvement and inclusion is not only encouraged, it is actively invited whether it be through participation in Small Groups or through Church Committees. The following commonly held assumptions shape and give structure to the manner in which leadership is carried out across all groups
- Communication and interaction among members shape a corporate vision.
- Leadership resides among members of the congregation.
- Leaders enable all members to use their gifts in the life of the church.
- Leaders are assertive about shaping the process of decision making so that all members cancontribute theirideas.
- There is a persistent call to seek God’s voice in prayer, scripture study, reflection on traditionand experience,and brotherlyand sisterly confrontation.
- There is adequate time and opportunity for discussion so that decisions ultimately reflect the bestjudgementof mostmembers.
- Leaders are free to advocate personal views but not to invoke the authority of their office toelevate theiropinions abovethose of other members of the congregation.