First Time Visitor

Welcome!…..First Time Visitor
We are a warm, open and welcoming Mennonite faith community that finds inspiration from each other and all those that walk through our doors. The atmosphere at Community Mennonite Church of Lancaster (CMCL) is relaxed, casual and friendly. While the worship format follows a traditional structure, it leaves room for creatively experiencing God moving among us. Participants from all denominational and faith backgrounds are welcome in our worship services.
Where is CMCL located?
We are located at 328 W. Orange Street in downtown Lancaster. Follow the link for directions and parking.
When are worship services?
Worship services are held each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Christian Education Classes for all ages begin at 11 a.m.
Summer Schedule: 10 am only.
Greeters are present prior to the start of each service and are happy to answer questions you may have.
Following the first service, there is coffee time in the Parrot Gallery, (ground level under the sanctuary) and Christian Education for all ages begins at 11 am. Learning or socializing, your choice. Children and Youth Christian Education classes are located on the upper and lower Christian Ed wings of the church. Adult Christian Education is regularly held in the Sanctuary.
The Parrot Gallery, located on the lower level becomes a place to gather, have a cup of coffee, visit with friends or read the morning paper.
Is child care available?
Child care is available in “The Fishbowl” for children ages 4 and under following the “Children’s Time” portion of the Worship service.