Mornings on Orange Street
Mornings on Orange Street, MOOS, provides a place for working parents in the CMCL neighborhood to bring their children for safe supervised care between the the times they leave for work and the school day starts. Children arrive between 6:45 and 7:30 am and are greeted by volunteers from CMCL and Covenant United Methodist Church, the two churches that sponsor the program. A part-time paid staff person oversees and coordinates MOOS. After children arrive and settle in, they join in activities that might include bingo, puzzles, arts & crafts, or special treats like using an old fashioned juicer for fresh squeezed orangejuice. Following their MOOS morning the children are escorted by volunteers to Fulton Elementary School, a half a block away, in time for the opening of the school day.
MOOS Mission Statement
Mornings on Orange Street (MOOS) is a self-supporting, non-profit enrichment program jointly sponsored by Covenant Methodist Church and Community Mennonite Church of Lancaster. MOOS provides a safe, fun and nurturing place for students from Robert Fulton Elementary School in the morning before school opens. MOOS contributes to the sense of self-respect, ability to build relationships, and quality of life of children in the surrounding neighborhood.