Pastoral Care

Care-giving happens in many ways at CMCL. Many experience
care and friendship through passing conversations on Sunday
mornings. Worship can be a time of holy rest, centering and
receiving support and new insight for their daily lives. Many
shared activities like fellowship meals, game nights and concerts
can be mutually supportive moments for individuals.
Care giving happens through the hands and hearts of many
participants in the congregation. Not only do clergy and
recognized elders minister to individuals, but everyone who lends a
listening ear, offers prayers and notes of support, delivers a meal
or shares wise counsel participates in the ministry of the
CMCL recognizes many important layers of pastoral care.
Examples include:
-An active prayer shawl ministry for
those in need of healing or who have suffered losses.
-Small Groups for mutual care, support and celebration.
-Annual Evening of Remembrance services honoring lost loved
-Anointing during regular communion services.
-Meals provided to new parents and those recovering from hospital
The pastoral staff and 4-5 elders comprise the Pastoral Team at
CMCL. Pastoral Team oversees care-giving ministries of the
congregation and takes primary responsibility for crisis care,
hospital visits and special rituals such as child dedications,
baptisms, weddings and funerals.
Pastoral Team
Ron Zook, Judy Zook
Susan Gascho-Cooke
Amanda Stoltzfus