“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep
gladness and the world’s hunger meet.”
–Frederick Buechner
The creative richness of the CMCL experience is due in large
part to the generous way our individual “gifts” are shared.
We celebrate each other through the appreciation of what we
each have to offer, whether it is music, art, organizing events, or
connecting with and inspiring our youth…the list is endless. What
carries the most grace is how often others identify and acknowledge
a gift still unknown to ourselves.
The committees at CMCL provide the backbone of the church. As
a participitory congregation, important input and direction
for the execution of programs and outreach come from these groups.
Being a part of a committee is not just a bureaucratic exercise, it
is an invitation to dynamically contribute to the life of the
Committee Descriptions
Christian Education, Children and Youth Programs
Develops appropriate curriculum for Kindergarten through 12th grade
children; provides teachers for youth Christian Education programs,
provides materials and other supportive resources for teachers.
Christian Education, Adult Programs
Selects topics, book studies, special emphases for Adult Christian
Education classes for fall, winter and spring quarters; secures
teachers or group leaders; determines format for presentation;
locates space and publicizes programs.
Worship Committee
Works with pastor(s) to provide guidance on overall order and tone
of worship services including the development of seasonal themes.
Coordinates and oversees worship participants, such as
worship and song leaders, musicians and greeter/usher volunteers;
provides direction for worship environment.
Small Group
Creates a healthy, dynamic, diverse and welcoming church experience
for church attendees and newcomers through the formation and
nurturance of small groups.
Peace and Social Justice
Initiates and manages outreach and spiritual nurture opportunities
for the congregation; identifies and evaluates local agencies to
receive grant monies to support church growth projects outside the
CMCL community; invites speakers to share special initiatives
involved in peace, justice and community service missions.
Oversees maintenance and repair of church facility; sets policy for
use of church building by outside groups.
Initiates and organizes fellowship gatherings of the congregation
including special events and meals for households in times of
special need. Provides coffee and tea service during Sunday
morning fellowship hour.
Child Care
Acquires and maintains appropriate play material and equipment for
child care areas; schedules volunteers to supervise child care
during worship and Christian Education times.